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MDC Learning Resources Digital Commons: Health Sciences and Nursing Faculty Publications

Health Sciences Faculty Publications

Soraya Bien-Aime, Kelly Hernandez

Bien-Aime, S., Kelly Hernandez, & Desulme, F. I. (2013). The unfolding truth about healing: Unspoken words of a heart the needs healing. Soraya Bien-Aime.

Marie O. Etienne

Kobetz, E., Menard, J., Diem, J., Barton, B., Blanco, J., Pierre, L., Auguste, P. D., Etienne, M., & Brewster, C. (2009). Community-based participatory research in Little Haiti: challenges and lessons learned. Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action, 3(2), 133–137.

Semé, J. L., Bivins, B. L., Sternberg, C. A., Barnett, J. D., Junis-Florian, T., Nicolas, G., Etienne, M., & Jean, P. (2022). The Educational, Health, and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 Among Haitians in the USA: Time for Systemic Change. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 9(6), 2171–2179. 

Marie O. Etienne, Patricia R. Messmer

Etienne, M. O., Messmer, P. R., Henri, N., Roberts, M., & Williams, J. (2020). Immersion Project in Immokalee Florida: RN-BSN students as change makers improving the health and well-being of migrant workers and their families. Journal of Comprehensive Nursing Research and Care5(1).

Etienne, M.O., Messmer, P.R., Blot, G., Manos, P.J., Williams, M., & Henri, N. (2016). Outcomes of an Immersion Experience in the Dominican Republic

Etienne, M. O., Messmer, P. R., Danis, S. J., & Blot, G. (2016). Outcomes of an Immersion Project in the Dominican Republic Bateyes. Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNA27(1), 31–37.

Etienne, M.O., Henry, N., & Messmer, P. R. (2019). RN-BSN students participating in immersion project become change agents for migrant workers and their children.

Andrew Frados

Frados, A. (2019). A Nurse Practitioner’s Guide to Airline Medicine. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 15(7), 483–486.

Frados, A.. (2013). Your Death, Your Choice: The future of palliative care. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.                              

Thomas T. L., Yarandi H. N., Dalmida S. G., Frados A, Klienert K. (2015) Cross-Cultural Differences and Sexual Risk Behavior of Emerging Adults. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(1), 64-72.

Federico Henriquez 

Brenes, F., Cachon, P., & Henriquez, F. (2022). Sociocultural Influences and Academic Disparities in Hispanic American Female Nursing Students. Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society, 33(4), 463–464.

Brenes, F., Goldstein, E. V., Sarduy, E. L., Lazarus, R., Fernandez, G., Henriquez, F., & Asgarali, D. (2024). Botánicas Function as Health Care Safety Nets Among Hispanic American Immigrants: A Brief Report. Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, 15404153241247261. Advance online publication.

Brenes, F., & Henriquez, F. (2020). Hispanics, Addictions, and the Opioid Epidemic: Brief Report. Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, 18(1), 40–43.

Brenes, F., Henriquez, F., & Cachon, P. (2023). Call for Inclusive and Diverse Suicide Prevention Strategies Among Cuban Americans: A Brief Report. Hispanic health care international : the official journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, 21(1), 4–8.

Henriquez F. A. (2019). Regarding Cuevas and Brown (2018). Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society, 30(1), 6–7.

Susan Kass

Colaizzi, L. R., Tomar, S. L., Urdegar, S. M., & Kass, S. H. (2015). Does the Structure of Dental Hygiene Instruction Impact Plaque Control in Primary School Students?. Journal of dental hygiene : JDH89(3), 180–189.

Kass, S. H. (2024). Address by the Chair-elect of the ADEA Board of Directors. Journal of dental education88 Suppl 2, S7–S8. 

​​​​​​Edgar Garcia Lara

Hannan, J., Sanchez, G. R., Musser, E. D., Ward-Peterson, M., Azutillo, E., Goldin, D., Lara, E. G., Luna, A. M., Galynker, I., & Foster, A. (2019). Correction to: Role of empathy in the perception of medical errors in patient encounters: a preliminary study. BMC Research Notes12(501).

Missia Lee

Lee, M. (2020). HIV prevention study for Black heterosexual men and women in other major US cities. American Journal of Public Health110(1), e1.

Kayla Mathis-Gamble

Mathis-Gamble, K., "HPV Vaccination Intentions in Black Young Adults" (2020). FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 4389.

Jones, S. G., Mathis-Gamble, K., & Fenkl, E. A. (2017). Minority college students’ HPV knowledge, awareness, and vaccination history. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care28(5), 675–679.

Antolín Maury

Maury, A., Maury-Mena, S. C., Marín-Escobar, J. C., & Marín-Benítez, A. C. (2022). Intervención educativa sobre la diabetes tipos 2 en una población sin hogar de Miami-Dade. Horizonte sanitario21(2), 214-221.

Maury-Mena, S. C., Marín-Escobar, J. C., Mendoza-Charris, H., Navarro-Angarita, V., Ceballos-Vélez, A., García-Caro, A. I., & Alonso-Palacio, L. M.. (2023). Factores de riesgo psicosocial asociados con la diabetes mellitus gestacional. Revisión sistemática. Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología88(3), 167-182.

Patricia R. Messmer

Jones, S. G., Messmer, P. R., Charron, S. A., & Parns, M. (2002). HIV-Positive Women and Minority Patients’ Satisfaction with Inpatient Hospital Care. Aids Patient Care and Stds16(3), 127–134.

Fenkl, E. A., Jones, S. G., Aronowitz, T., Messmer, P. R., Olafson, E. A., Simon, S., & Framil, C. V. (2020). Risky sex and other personal consequences of alcohol and drug use among LGBTQ college students. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care31(4), 476–482.

Patricia R. Messmer, Marie O. Etienne, Marie Daniel-Serant, Nahomie Mirville, Helen B. Bhagwandin

Messmer, P. R., Etienne M., Daniel-Serant M., Mirville, N., Bhagwandin, H. B., Blot, G. Miami Dade College Faculty Support Their Nursing Faculty Colleagues in Haiti. Nursing Education Perspective 33(1),

Patricia R. Messmer, Yolanda Nitti, Giannina Santos, Yamina Alvarez, Kathleen Muniz, Guillermo Valdes, Marie O. Etienne

Messmer, P., Nitti, Y., Hernandez-Pupo, N., Santos, G., Alvarez, Y., Muniz, K., Valdes, G.R., & Etienne, M.O. (2017). Ninos Obesos: "Moving On" Project Reduced Obesity in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Children.

Tommie Norris

Norris, T.L. (2013). Fundamentos de fisiopatologia (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Norris, T. L. (Ed.). (2025). Porth’s pathophysiology : concepts of altered health states (Eleventh edition.). Wolters Kluwer.

Roxana Orta

Orta, R. (2016). Community-based intervention to promote breast cancer screening, awareness, knowledge and motivation among homeless women

Fenkl, E. A., Gracia, Jones S., Orta, R. (2016). Young Hispanic Men’s HIV and STI Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors. Hispanic Health Care International,14(3),109-115.

Roxana Orta, Patricia R Messmer

Gracia Jones, S., Fenkl, E., Orta, R. & Messmer, P. (2016). HIV and STD Knowledge of a Sexually-Diverse Sample of Hispanic Male College Students.

Orta, R., Messmer, P. R., Valdes, G. R., Turkel, M., Fields, S. D., & Wei, C. C. (2016). Knowledge and Competency of Nursing Faculty Regarding Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of continuing education in nursing47(9), 409–419.

Roxana Orta, Patricia R Messmer, Guillermo Valdes

Orta, R., Messmer, P. R., Valdes, G. R., Turkel, M., Fields, S. D., & Wei, C. C. (2016). Knowledge and Competency of Nursing Faculty Regarding Evidence-Based Practice. Journal of continuing education in nursing47(9), 409–419.

Amy C. Pettigrew

Pettigrew, A. C. (2013). Achieving High Scores for Integrating Service Learning into the Nursing Curriculum

Guillermo Valdes

Everett-Thomas, R., Turnbull-Horton, V., Valdes, B., Valdes, G. R., Rosen, L. F., & Birnbach, D. J. (2016). The influence of high fidelity simulation on first responders retention of CPR knowledge. Applied nursing research : ANR30, 94–97. 

Everett-Thomas, R., Valdes, B., Valdes, G. R., Shekhter, I., Fitzpatrick, M., Rosen, L. F., Arheart, K. L., & Birnbach, D. J. (2015). Using simulation technology to identify gaps between education and practice among new graduate nurses. Journal of continuing education in nursing46(1), 34–40. 

Everett-Thomas, R., Yero-Aguayo, M., Valdes, B., Valdes, G., Shekhter, I., Rosen, L. F., & Birnbach, D. J. (2016). An assessment of CPR skills using simulation: Are first responders prepared to save lives?. Nurse education in practice19, 58–62.