Humanities Faculty Websites
Humanities Faculty Publications
Kristofer Camilo Arca
Arca, K. C. (2018). Opaque Selves: A Ricœurian response to Galen Strawson’s anti- narrative arguments. Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies, 9(1), 70–89.
Darrell Arnold
Arnold, D. (2012). Andrew Biro, ed., Critical Ecologies: The Frankfurt School and Contemporary Environmental Crises. Reviewed by. Philosophy in Review, 32(2), 89-92.
Arnold, D. (2015). Critical Theory. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 293-303.
Arnold, D. P., & Michel, A. (2017). Critical Theory and the Thought of Andrew Feenberg. Palgrave Macmillan.
Arnold, D. (2011). Hegel and ecologically oriented system theory. Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry, vol. 7, no. 16, 53-64.
Arnold, D. (2013). John Abromeit, "Max Horkheimer and the Foundations of the Frankfurt School." Philosophy in Review, 33(2), 93-95.
Albert, H., Arnold, D., & Maier-Rigaud, F. (2012). Model Platonism: Neoclassical economic thought in critical light. Journal of Institutional Economics, 8(3), 295-323.
Arnold, D. (2013). Philip Cafaro and Eileen Crist, editors. Life on the Brink: Environmentalists Confront Overpopulation. Environmental Philosophy, 10(2), 113-116.
Arnold, D. & Maier-Rigaud, F. (2013). The Enduring Relevance of the Model Platonism Critique in Economics and Public Policy. Journal of Institutional Economics, 8(3), 289-294.
Arnold, D. (2013). Traditions of Systems Theory: Major Figures and Contemporary Developments. Routledge.
Kristin Borgwald
Borgwald, Kristin, & Theixos, H. (2013) Bullying the bully: Why zero-tolerance policies get a failing grade, Social Influence. 8:2-3, 149-160.
Borgwald, Kristin (2012). Women’s anger, epistemic personhood, and self-respect: an application of Lehrer’s work on self-trust. Philosophical Studies, 161, 69–76.
David Brubeck
American visions: American music for trombone, 1948-1998
Brubeck, David William. (1992). A method to musical literacy : a beginning music theory book for those with little or no prior music theory background. Caramur.
Brubeck, D. (2012). A Sumo with a Loaf of Bread? Brass Articulation. International Trombone Association.
Edge (ej)
Brubeck, David W. (2012). Everglades: Stereograms 21-30: Solo bass trombone.
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Faculty/guest recital
Michael Robinson, tuba: A graduate recital, March 17, 2016
Brubeck, D. (2012). Stereograms: rhythmic etudes. Volume 1 for bass clef instruments.
Brubeck, D. W. (1999). Stereograms Nos. 1-10: Three smooth stones. Nos. 11-20: Modern Renaissance: 20 studies for solo bass trombone.
Brubeck, D. (2009). Stereograms: for solo bass trombone.
Brubeck, D. (1991) The Pedagogy of Arnold Jacobs, TUBA Journal, 19(1).
Trombone and percussion recital
Lara Cahill-Booth
Cahill-Booth, L. (2013). Re-membering the Tribe: Networks of Recovery in Rex Nettleford’s “Katrina.” TDR (1988-), 57(1), 88-101.
Cahill-Booth, L. (2013). Walcott's sea and Caribbean geomythography, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 49(3), 347-358,
Cahill-Booth, L. (2018). Reading/Speaking/Writing the Mother Text: Essays on Caribbean Women’s Writing, edited by Cristina Herrera and Paula Sanmartín, Women's Studies, 47(1), 105-107,
John Colagrande Jr.
Colagrande, J. J. (2016). Deco 2.0.
Colagrande, John Jr. (2007). Headz, a novel. FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations.
Colagrande, J. J. (2016). Reduce Heat Continue To Boil.
Javier Cuarezma
Cuarezma, J. (2019). Through the Renaissance and now: A Brief History in the Evolution of the Visual Arts.
Maria Cumaná
Cumaná González, M. C., & Lord, S. (2019). "Deterritorialised intimacies". In Hispanic and Lusophone women filmmakers.
Río, J. ., & Cumaná, M. C. (2008). Latitudes del margen: El cine latinoamericano ante el tercer milenio.
Piñera W., & Cumaná M. C. (1999). Mirada al cine cubano. Edición OCIC.
Cumana, M., Dubinsky, K. & de la Cruz, X. (2014). My Havana: The Musical City of Carlos Varela. University of Toronto Press.
Calzada, V. F. (2021). The Cinema of Sara Gómez: Reframing Revolution (S. Lord & M. C. Cumaná, Eds.). Indiana University Press.
Cumaná, M. C. (2014). Through the Eyes of Foreign Filmmakers : Contradictions and Paradigms of Cuban Cinema after the Revolution. In Cuba in a Global Context: International Relations, Internationalism, and Transnationalism. University Press of Florida.
Teresa Cusidor
Cusidor, Teresa. (2017). I Stand. In Urbana: Literary and Arts Magazine 10, 48-49.
Cusidor, Teresa. (2016). Love for the Hearse. In Urbana: Literary and Arts Magazine 9, 32-33.
Cusidor, Teresa. (2016). Memoirs of Eternity. In Urbana: Literary and Arts Magazine 9, 14.
Cusidor, Teresa. (2016). The Hunt: The Bartender. In Urbana: Literary and Arts Magazine 9, 16-24.
Lillian Custals
Kramer, S. S., Alvarez, C., Barkley, A. E., Colarco, P. R., Custals, L., Delgadillo, R., Gaston, C. J., Govindaraju, R., & Zuidema, P. (2020). Apparent dust size discrepancy in aerosol reanalysis in north African dust after long-range transport. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(16), 10047–10062.
Bowlin, E. M., Klaus, J. S., Foster, J. M., Andres, M. S., Custals, L., & Reid, R. P. (2012). Environmental controls on microbial community cycling in modern marine stromatolites. Sedimentary Geology, 263–264, 45–55.
Zuidema, P., Alvarez, C., Kramer, S. J., Custals, L., Izaguirre, M., Sealy, P., Prospero, J. M., & Blades, E. (2019). IS SUMMER AFRICAN DUST ARRIVING EARLIER TO BARBADOS?: The Updated Long-Term In Situ Dust Mass Concentration Time Series from Ragged Point, Barbados, and Miami, Florida. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(10), 1981-1986.
Reid, R.P., Gaspar, A.P.L., Bowlin, E.M., Custals, L., Andres, M.S. (2011). Microbialites and Sediments: A 2-Year Record of Burial and Exposure of Stromatolites and Thrombolites at Highborne Cay Bahamas. In: Tewari, V., Seckbach, J. (eds) STROMATOLITES: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments. Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, 18, 407–425
Anthony D'Ascoli
D’Ascoli, A. (2018). A Pluralistic View of the Western Humanities.
D’Ascoli, A. (2019). Jewish Identity in the Medieval Languedoc.
D’Ascoli, A. (2022). The Western Humanities - Divergence.
John P. Frazier
Cochran, J.C., Friedman, S.R. and Frazier, J.P. (1996). ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Disulfides from the Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Reactions of Sulfenyl Halides and Organostannanes. ChemInform, 27(29).
Frazier, J. P. (2000). Masks: A Gallery Guide.
Frazier, J. P. (1998). Mexican Masks in Cultural Context.
Frazier, J. P. (1999). Murder Mystery in the Field.
Croft, D., Larson, M., Munley, M. E., Eagleton, J., Ford, K., Frazier, J., Zissimopoulos, D. (2000). Unearthing the Secrets of Sue: The Sue Exhibition Educator’s Guide.
Alicia K. Garcia
Garcia, A. K. (2021). Unstamatic: A Micro Lit Mag.
Garcia, A. K. (2021). East by Northeast Literary Magazine.
Pedro A. González, Jr.
González, P. A. (2014). Adult animation and gender representation–A case study on The Simpsons.
González, P. A. Jr. (2014). Birth, evolution and spread of Cellular Phones: Good and Evil sides of a technological Revolution.
González, P. A. Jr. (2014). Corporate & Government Control of the Internet The Power of Few against the free flow of information for all.
González, P. A. Jr. (2023). Digital Literacy in Employability of Graduates during COVID-19: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study.
González, P. A. Jr. (2023). Digital Wars: A history of the progression of the confrontation between the U.S. and Cuban Gov on the digital and broadcast waves.
González Munné P. (2016). Domar el Odio: El Montaje Del Exilio Cubano en Los EEUU.
González Munné P. (2014). Ebrio de Luz: La Emigración Cubana En Los Eeuu - Siglo XIX.
González Munné P. (2012). El Color de la Mentira: The Color of Lies. Editorial Letra Viva.
González, P. A. Jr. (2012). Father Varela y Morales and the Hispanic Media in the US.
González, P. Jr. (2014). Internet like wildfire downing barriers to human communication.
González Munné P. (2014). Los Cachorros de Satán: Modelos de Propaganda Oficial en la Prensa Norteamericana.
González Munné P. (2014). Máquina de Quimeras: Raza y Etnicidad en Los Juegos de Video: Racismo, Odio y Prejuicios. Editorial Letra Viva.
González, P. A. (2013). Noam Chomsky Propaganda Model: A Critical Evaluation.
Gonzalez, P. A. (2021). Our Demons on The Machine: Language, Netsocieties and Illiteracy on the Web. Editorial Letra Viva.
González Munné P. (2016). Quimeras Machine. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
González Jr, P. A. (2013). Prejudice and racism about Hispanics in the American Media.
González Munné P. (2006). Rehenes del odio. Editorial Letra Viva.
González, P. A. (2014). Race and Ethnicity in Video Games: A Reflection of Social Reality. Racism, hate speech and prejudice: a manifestation of social stereotypes.
González Jr, P. A. (2014). Technological Advances. Reaching beyond: Who sets the limits to the unlimited delirium of information?.
Gonzalez, P. A., Jr. (2023). The human need for censorship: From Libraries to the Internet, Information Access Bestows Rights to the Powerful.
González Jr, P. A., & Calienes, R. F. (2015). The Miami Herald moonlighter’s ethics case: Journalists of a newspaper receiving payments from the Government.'s_ethics_case_Journalists_of_a_newspaper_receiving_payments_from_the_Government/links/556122b908ae86c06b64aa27/The-Miami-Herald-moonlighters-ethics-case-Journalists-of-a-newspaper-receiving-payments-from-the-Government.pdf
González Jr, P. A. (2014). The role of social media in the success of the Sitcom “Scandal”: First come Twitter… and then the show.
Gonzalez, P. A., Jr. (2023). The Symbiogenetic Human Digitization: How the Interaction with the Internet Trough Digital Technologies Created a Symbiogenetic Human Digitization.
González Jr, P. A. (2014). Trends in Filmmaking: Monsters and Dreams. History in the Making.
Michelle Grant-Murray
Grant-Murray, M. (2021). Beyond the surface: An Inclusive American Dance History.
Eugene Greco
Greco, E. A. (2014). A Study of the Humanities--For the Values of My Life. McGraw-Hill Education, LLC.
Adam Hauptfeld
Hauptfeld, A. (2017). Access Internalism, attention, and Perceptual Expertise. Florida Philosophical Review, 17(1), 15-27.
Alex Hernandez
Hernandez A., Goodwin, M. D., Garcia, S. R., & Aldama, F. L. (2021). Speculative fiction for dreamers : a Latinx anthology (A. Hernandez, M. D. Goodwin, & S. R. Garcia, Eds.). Mad Creek Books.
Anthony J. Kreider
Kreider, A. J. (2022). Argumentative hyperbole as fallacy. Informal Logic, 42(2), 417–437.
Kreider, A. J. (2003). Prayers for Assistance As Unsporting Behavior. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 30(1), 17–25.
Steve Kronen
Kronen, S. (2018). Homage to Mistress Oppenheimer. Eyewear Publishing Ltd.
Kronen, S. (2006). Splendor. BOA Editions.
Kronen, S. (1992). Empirical evidence : poems. University of Georgia Press.
Ivonne Lamazares
Lamazares, I. (2000). The sugar island. Houghton Mifflin.
Rosa Mayorga
Mayorga, R. M. (2009). [Review of A Pragmatist Philosophy of Democracy, by R. B. Talisse]. Social Theory and Practice, 35(1), 133–140.
Mayorga, R. M. (2009). [Review of A Thing of This World: A History of Continental Anti-Realism, by L. Braver]. The Review of Metaphysics, 62(4), 914–916.
Mayorga, R. (2008). [Review of C. S. Peirce’s System of Science, by F. W. Scott]. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 44(1), 181–187.
Mayorga, R. (2014). Charles Peirce and Cuba. European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, VI(2).
Mayorga, R. (2005). Diamonds Are a Pragmaticist’s Best Friend. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 41(2), 255–270.
Mayorga, R. (2010). [Review of the book El pragmatismo en Cuba]. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy 46(2), 327-336.
Mayorga, R. (2007). El pragmatismo: ¿un nombre antiguo para nuevas maneras de pensar? Anuario Filosófico 40(89), 301-318.
Mayorga, R. M. (2009). On Talisse’s “Peirceanist” Theory. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 45(1), 65–70.
Mayorga, R. M. (2020). Peirce in Key West. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy 56(2), 199-211.
Mayorga, R. M. (2014). [Review of Peirce: A Guide for the Perplexed, by C. De WAAL]. The Review of Metaphysics, 67(4), 872–874.
Mayorga, R. M. (2020). Peirce's Last House: How the Charles S. Peirce Monument in Milford Cemetery Came to Be. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy 56(2), 152-189.
Mayorga, R. M. [Review of Realism and Individualism. Charles S. Peirce and the Threat of Modern Nominalism, by Mateusz Wsz. Oleksy]. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy 48, no. 3 (2012): 387-391.
Mayorga, R. M. (2008). The Delicate Balance Between Learning and Teaching. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy 44(2), 224-226.
Mayorga, R. (2004). The Hair: On the Difference between Peirce’s Nominalism and His Realism. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, 40(3), 433–455.
Min Mossman
Mossman, M. L. 2009. "Religious and Philosophical Syncretization in Classical Chinese and Japanese Gardens." The International Journal of the Humanities: Annual Review 7 (5): 157-174.
Mossman, M. L. 2010. "The Japanese Garden, Humanism, and the Contemporary American Landscape." The International Journal of the Arts in Society: Annual Review 4 (5): 273-300.
Mark Neunder
Neunder, M. (2005). Can Genetic Enhancement be Obligatory? Four Arguments. Journal of Philosophical Research, 30, 95–104.
Aixa Oliveras
Oliveras, A. (2021). Gaining Strength Through Art.
Geoffrey Philp
Philp, G. (2017). The Book of Rules. Il Tolomeo, 19.
Simeon Richardson
Richardson, S. A. (2018). Non-Cognitive Factors that Contribute to the Black Gender Gap in Community College Persistence. University of Miami. /991031447873102976
Stella Santamaria
Santamaria, S. (2026). California Silence. FENCE Books.
Meryl Shriver-Rice
Shriver-Rice, M., & Vaughan, H. (2020). Digital Heritage and the Anthropocene: media use in Site-Specific archaeological installations in Lazio, Italy. The Italianist, 40(2), 165–179.
Shriver-Rice, M. & Schmidt, F. (2022). Environmental and Archaeobotanical Studies in Etruscan Archaeology: An Epistemological Overview and Future Considerations of Human–Plant Relationships. Etruscan and Italic Studies, 25(1-2), 113–147.
Molloy, M., Nielsen, M., Shriver-Rice, M. (Eds.), Hjort, M. (2018). Gender equity in screen culture: on Susanne Bier, The Celluloid Ceiling, and the growing appeal of TV production. In M. Molloy, M. Nielsen, and M. Shriver-Rice (Eds), ReFocus: The Films of Susanne Bier, 134–148.
Shriver-Rice, M. (2015). Inclusion in New Danish Cinema: Sexuality and Transnational Belonging (1st ed.). Intellect.
Molloy, M., Nielsen, M., & Shriver-Rice, M. (Eds.). (2018). ReFocus: The Films of Susanne Bier. Edinburgh University Press.
Larsen, M., Molloy, M., Shriver-Rice, M., Holmlund, C., Marklund, A., & Group, S.S.I. (2022). Spotlight: Scandinavian Scholarly Interest Group. JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 61(4), 1–4.
Allen, J. K., Bigelow, B., Bondebjerg, I., Chow, P-S., Lykke Christensen, C., Hartvigson, N. H., Hjort, M., Jerslev, A., Jorgolt, E., Langdkjaer, B. Shriver-Rice, M. (2021). Stories of Scandinavian Guilt and Privilege: Transnational Danish Directors. In C. Claire Thomson, I. Thorsen, and P-S. Chow (Eds), A History of Danish Cinema, , 174–188.
Molloy, M., Nielsen, M., Shriver-Rice, M. (Eds.), Langkjær, B. (2018). Storytelling schemes, realism, and ambiguity: Susanne Bier’s Danish dramas. In M. Molloy, M. Nielsen, and M. Shriver-Rice (Eds), ReFocus: The Films of Susanne Bier, 19–35.
Molloy, M., Nielsen, M., Shriver-Rice, M. (Eds.), Redvall, E. N. (2018). The Truth is in the Eyes: Susanne Bier’s Use of Close-ups in The Night Manager. In M. Molloy, M. Nielsen, and M. Shriver-Rice (Eds), ReFocus: The Films of Susanne Bier, 187–204.
Shriver-Rice, M., Fernandes, J. F., Johns, L., Riopelle, C., & Vaughan, H. (2021). Young Adults’ Reactions and Engagement with Short-form Videos on Sea Level Rise. Environmental Communication-a Journal of Nature and Culture, 16(1), 63–78.
Ricardo Zulueta
Zulueta, R. E. (2015) Gender Flux: Transatlantic Influence on Fashioning the Cross-dresser in American Silent Cinema, Fashion Theory, 19(3), 363-395,
Meyers, R., Rothman, W., & Warren, C. (2016). Looking with Robert Gardner. Suny Series, Horizons of Cinema.
Zulueta, R. E. (2014). Queer Art Camp Superstar: Decoding the Video Cyberworld of Ryan Trecartin. University of Miami.
Zulueta, R.E. (2012). [Review of the book Tomboy]. Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal 42(2), 107-110.