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Selecting, Ordering, and Receiving with YBP GOBI: Receivers: Invoices

This LibGuide covers everything you need to know about the selection, ordering, and receiving process of the new GOBI system.

Viewing Invoices

Viewing invoices is an important part of the order process as it contains the final price per item and the total amount needed to be paid, which includes shipping and processing.
It is recommended that you print invoices and file them in your records, as it will be needed by MDC to pay YBP.

  1. Log in to GOBI.
  2. Click on the Library tab and choose View Accounting Documents.
  3. In the next screen you can limit your search to a specific date, range, campus or any other parameter. To see all invoices, leave all choices at their default. When you are ready, click on .
  4. Select the invoice you want to view by clicking on the Invoice Number.
  5. This will open up the invoice in PDF format, which makes it convenient to save onto your computer, email, or print. Below is an example of a typical YBP invoice (Please note, all orders and invoices should have only one discipline. This is just a sample.):
    • #1 - This is the invoice number. This is the same number that will be used when you search for the invoice in Alma.
    • #2 - This area contains the Ship To and Bill To address. Please remember, that all invoices will be billed to EPC. However, the funding will still come from the respective discipline.
    • #3 - The customer number is another name for the Subaccount.
    • #4 - Next to the ISBN number for each item. you will see the Discipline Fund Code for each item. They should all be the same, as orders and invoices should handle only one discipline. The invoice shown above is just a sample.
    • #5 - Any special library binding, jackets, or covering will be listed here.
    • #6 - The cost of processing and cataloging will be listed here.
    • #7 - In this area, you will see the cost of shipping. Currently, YBP charges $1.00 for shipment of all orders.
    • #8 - This is the total price and should reflect the total amount for books shipped. This does not mean that this is the total amount for the entire order. Some orders are broken up into multiple shipments due to backorders or other delays in availability.

Please note that some invoices may have the processing and even other fees included in the List Price Amount instead of itemized.