Before you begin working through the modules in this course, be sure you've read the following:
After that, please post a brief, introductory statement about yourself in the Student Introduction discussion board in Canvas in order to document your attendance the first day of the course. A few more details for this first discussion board posting are shared below.
This course consists of six lessons. You will complete each lesson in order because they build on each other. The good news is that you do not have to write a paper for this course. Much of the work we will be doing in class will contribute towards your Final Project, in which you will be presenting on your career research.
We have a lot to cover in our short time together so we are going to get right to it!
One last reminder before you start your modules: Read the syllabus, course outline, and introduce yourself in a post to the Student Introductions discussion board on Canvas.
Finally, if you mention something about your favorite book character (yes, comic book characters count!) in your introduction, I'll give you 1 point extra credit... my way of making sure you read this.
Enjoy the class!