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SLS1401 Psychology of Career Adjustment | Prof. Machado Dillon

This guide contains resources for students of Prof. Machado Dillon's SLS1401 course.

SLS1401 Syllabus

Course Information

Course Prefix/Number: SLS1401

Course Title: Psychology of Career Adjustment

Reference Number: 8109

Credit Hours: Three (3) Semester Hours 

Class Format: Blended, Room 2302 and Canvas

Class Meetings: June 19 - July 28, Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:25 am - 12:40 pm

Date of Syllabus: Summer 2023 

Instructor Information 

Instructor: Christina M. Dillon 

Phone number: 305.237.8655 


Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 – 10:50 am and available by appointment.

Reading Material

There is no required textbook for this course. This Library Guide will serve as your textbook. Each module contains the required reading material. Each module includes links to supplemental reading and source material. 

Course Description

This blended course is designed for students who have not decided, are having difficulty deciding, or need clarification in making a career choice. This course is concerned with “who you are”, “where are you going”, “how to get there”, and “what’s out there that fits you.”

Attendance/Withdrawal Policies

  • Within the first week of the semester, you must make sure that your MyMDC e-mail address and mobile phone number information is updated. To update your personal information, please visit the MyMDC Student Portal
  • It is the student’s responsibility to drop this class within the time available.  The College academic calendar is available at:
  • Please do not hesitate to email or call your instructor with any questions or problems.  
  • All work should be submitted to your instructor by the due dates as indicated. The Course Schedule provides due dates for all course materials. The instructor will communicate due dates via announcements, e-mail, course modules, and lectures. 
  • All assignments, tests, exams, presentations, etc. are to be done independently. In other words, there are no group assignments in this course, unless it is otherwise indicated. Unauthorized group work could negatively affect the grade of students involved. 

General Course Instructions

  • You must be willing to work independently and be self-motivated. 
  • You must have basic proficiency in the following: 
    • Formatting and composing a document in a word processor 
    • Sending, receiving, and replying to e-mail 
    • Accessing a web page by typing the URL into the browser "Location" or "Address" box 
    • Downloading and saving a file 
    • Managing electronic files and folders 
  • An exercise follows the reading material for each lesson. Follow the exercise instructions carefully. 
  • If you are providing a URL (address for a web page) as an answer to an exercise question, please be very careful. The URL must be correct or you will lose points. To avoid errors in typing a URL, you may want to copy and paste the URL into your message. 
  • Although you may work at your own pace, don't wait until the last minute to begin working on lesson exercises or the project. Several of the lessons take some time to complete, as does the course project. 
  • Each exercise should be sent to your instructor as soon as you complete it. It is the student's responsibility to make sure all course submissions reach the instructor. 
  • You will not be allowed to make-up graded work and/or tests unless the absence is officially excused, and at the instructor's discretion. Works that are turned in late (refer to the calendar and specifications in each assign. for deadlines) will not be accepted. Exceptions are at the professor's discretion and may be penalized with a deduction of 10% per assignment per lateness. No work will be accepted after the final deadline. 
  • All answers to exercise questions should be written in your own words. Do not copy and paste text or glossary definitions from the course materials or other sources as answers. Copying and pasting will be considered plagiarism and no credit will be given. 

Methods of Evaluation

The final grade is based upon the satisfactory completion of the following activities:

Assignments & Activities


Class Project



Grading Scale

                  A = 90 - 100

                  B = 80 - 89

                  C = 70 - 79

                  D = 60 - 69

                  F = 59 and below

MDC Learning Outcomes

As graduates of Miami Dade College, students will be able to: 

  • Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 
  • Use quantitative analytical skills to evaluate and process numerical data. 
  • Solve problems using critical and creative thinking and scientific reasoning. 
  • Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures, including global and historical perspectives. 
  • Create strategies that can be used to fulfill personal, civic, and social responsibilities. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of ethical thinking and its application to issues in society. 
  • Use computer and emerging technologies effectively. 
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for aesthetics and creative activities. 
  • Describe how natural systems function and recognize the impact of humans on the environment. 
Course Content

This is a 6-week course presented in a blended online and in person format:   

  • Attendance, participation, discussion (and frustration) is essential. Giving up is not.    
  • Weekly assignments  
  • Career Research Project  
  • Class activities  
Student Code of Conduct & Academic Dishonesty

Please familiarize yourself with the College policy on the Student Code of Conduct.

The department affirms its commitment to treat cases of academic dishonesty according to Miami-Dade Community College Procedure No. 4035. Students are forewarned that academic dishonesty in any form will be penalized according to this procedure. The instructor has the option to award a grade of “F” for the course. Cheating or any form of academic dishonesty may also result in the student’s being placed on academic probation, suspended from school, or dismissed from the College. You can read more at the College's policy for dealing with Academic Dishonesty.

Statement of Special Needs

The College makes every reasonable effort to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and experiences for students with documented disabilities. Students with documented disabilities should contact the campus ACCESS Services Department in advance for information on appropriate policies and procedures for obtaining assistance. ACCESS is the department responsible for coordinating services for students with disabilities.

Technical Assistance

If you are having any technical difficulties (e.g., logging in, accessing the discussion board, etc.), please contact Canvas Help and inform the instructor. 

Online Behavior

E-mail is considered an official method for communicating with students. The College expects that e-mail communications will be received and read by students in a timely fashion. This policy establishes the College's expectation that faculty and other teaching staff may routinely communicate important information to students using Miami Dade College's established online learning e-mail system. 

All students enrolled in courses at Miami Dade College are provided with an official MDC student e-mail account. Students are expected to check their MDC e-mail account on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of course-related communications. Your instructor recommends checking e-mail at least twice per week. 

This syllabus may change according to the needs of this class. Any changes will be announced in class and via e-mail to all students. Students are responsible for noticing such changes.