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West Campus Strategic Plan: Goal 4: Fueling the Talent Needs of a Global Economy

West Campus Strategic Plan

Fueling the Talent Needs of a Global Economy


The West Campus goal was to develop and implement a digital interactive map of opportunities available to MDC students, placed at key entry points throughout campus by the end of the Fall term, and redesigned by the end of the summer term, after analysis of student surveys and usage data.

  • Identified possible vendor for interactive plasma screens. Included them in Title V grant proposal.
  • Shared all information from the prior year's research and focus groups with Kim Hughes.
  • Ms. Hughes created three designs for an interactive LibGuide with all prior curated information to serve as the first draft of digital interactive map.
  • Campus Cabinet decided on the preferred LibGuide design.
  • LibGuide shared with all area managers for revision and for sharing broadly.
  • Awaiting funding to purchase interactive plasma screens for placement at key entry points throughout campus.

Screen Shot of West Campus Guide

West Campus Guide

Goal Champion(s):  Dr. Sara Alegría