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West Campus Strategic Plan: Goal 2: Accelerating Academic Excellence

West Campus Strategic Plan

Goal 2


West Campus commits to Academic Excellence by focusing our energy on developing personalized student supports and innovative teaching strategies in our gateway courses that are below the campus' student success average.

We will focus on a deep data dive on student success in ENC 1101.

Our commitment to student success in ENC 1101 is essential because success in this course is a requirement for the completion of any Associate of Science Degree and for all pathways leading to the Associate of Arts Degree.

Goal 2.1

West Campus commits to Academic Excellence by focusing our energy on developing personalized student supports and innovative teaching strategies in our gateway courses that are below the campus' student success average.

Timeline for Student Supports:


Target Date

Embed Tutors as part of the Early Alerts and Interventions in Gateway Courses (ENC1101, MAT1033, SPC1017, CHM1025, CHM1046) 

Fall 2021

Added departmental consent for Withdrawal in MAT1033, ENC1101, SPC1017 after 100% refund.​

Spring 2022​​​

Transformation of MAT1033 (Standardized syllabus, assessments, assignments and Canvas Course Shell, affordable learning materials); New Textbook Adoption for ENC1101​

Summer 2022​​​

Add CGS1026C; Implementation of MAT1033 Transformed; ENC1101 & MAT1033 "Credit Recovery" (12W sessions for students at risk in 16W sessions)​

Fall 2022​

Add Transformation of ENC1101 (Standardized syllabus, assessments, assignments and Canvas Course Shell, affordable learning materials)​

Spring 2023​​​

Evaluation and next steps​

Fall 2023​​​

Timeline for Teaching Innovation:


Target Date

Professional Development Series proposed, submitted, and approved by ALC.

Fall 2021

Undergraduate research and service-learning opportunities being provided to students.

Spring 2022​​​

Canvas was piloted by several West Campus faculty and all faculty are in process of certification.

Summer 2022​​​

Professional Development Series proposal for best practices for curriculum and instruction Part I

Fall 2022​

Professional Development Series proposal for best practices in reflective practice Part II

Spring 2023​​​

Professional Development Series proposal for lessons learned on implementation of Part I and Part II

Summer 2023

Full Implementation of best pedagogical practices and early alerts and intervention strategies (success and retention rates)

Fall 2023​​​

Goal 2.2

We will focus on a deep data dive on student success in ENC 1101. (No change)



Target Date

To guide the work of meeting this goal, creation of the Student Success Team at campus leadership level

Fall 2021​​

Review student success data and developed Student Success plan and shared with leads 

Spring 2022​​

Student Success plan implementation including Literacy Wellness Spa (LWS) Proof of Concept (PoC)

Summer 2022​​

12 Week "Credit Recovery" for students identified in 16 Week Courses; LWS development and preliminary implementation; Reevaluate and redesign embedded tutoring and SMART Plan procedures

Fall 2022

Interdisciplinary LWS Student Success plan  implementation evaluation

Spring 2023​​

Review of impact of Student Success plan

Summer 2023​​

Goal 2.3

Our commitment to student success in ENC 1101 is essential because success in this course is a requirement for the completion of any Associate of Science Degree and for all pathways leading to the Associate of Arts Degree.



Target Date

Idea development of a Literacy Wellness Spa support

Fall 2021​

Title V grant for literacy wellness developed and submitted

Spring 2022​

Literacy Wellness Spa Proof of Concept

Summer 2022​

Further development of Literacy Wellness Spa and measurable outcomes

Fall 2022​

Data Collection of Literacy Wellness Spa measures

Spring 2023​