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Previous Cleanup Projects (2022-2023)
- Technical Migration Cleanup.xlsx
Instructions: Select the tab for your campus. Locate the material for your library, and if it exists, scan it in to remove the status and delete the note from Internal Note 3. Otherwise, withdraw it. Update the spreadsheet column labeled "Cleanup Status" with the action taken (Scanned In or Withdrawn).
Status: Incomplete
- Lost, Lost & Paid, and Missing.xlsx
Instructions: Select the tab for your campus. If the item is lost or lost and paid and older than five years, it should be withdrawn. If the item is missing, try to locate the item. Otherwise, if it is older than five years, it should be withdrawn. You can send a list of items for bulk withdraw by emailing Update the spreadsheet column labeled "Cleanup Status" with the action taken (Sent for withdrawal, Withdrawn, Found, or Keep).
Status: Incomplete