The New Order Process
Alma allows you to search for and track orders that have been placed in GOBI from YBP or in InterACQ from Midwest (if you need access to these platforms, email The purpose of tracking orders in Alma is to:
Invoices are only required for items that are paid with a Purchase Order. As such, since orders from Amazon are paid with a P-Card and do not come pre-cataloged or processed (shelf-ready), orders from Amazon General Collection are not tracked in Alma and should not be manually entered (There are very few disciplines that use Amazon as an exception to this rule, which follow a special workflow. Consult if you have questions). Items obtained from Amazon still need to be copy-cataloged in Alma and inventory added in the same manner as all other items obtained, such as donations, that do not come from a shelf-ready vendor.
New orders from YBP and Midwest are automatically loaded into Alma every day at 8AM. For every item ordered, a Purchase Order Line (POL) with order details is created in Alma. Items that are ordered together are then packaged (meaning grouped together in Alma) automatically into a Purchase Order (PO). Think of Purchase Orders as just orders and Purchase Order Lines as items within an order placed. Just in like in Aleph, order numbers for Purchase Orders and Purchase Order Lines are randomly generated.
A preliminary bibliographic record (sometimes a very brief record) is also loaded into Alma until the item is shipped and an item record with a temporary barcode (the vendor reference number) is created. Once the item is shipped and invoiced, an updated bibliographic record is imported into Alma, replacing the old, brief record and the barcode and other item details are also automatically updated.
Items grouped together in a Purchase Order that was packaged by Alma does not necessarily mean that they will stay together or invoiced together, so searching for Purchase Orders to find materials in Alma is not very useful. Instead, this guide will focus solely on searching for specific items via their Purchase Order Lines.
You can search for order records in Alma in numerous ways as seen below.
Searching for Individual Purchase Order Lines (POL) by Number
By far, the most accurate way of searching for an item that was ordered, is to use one of the following identifiers that are unique to each item:
The Vendor Reference Number for YBP is known as the YBP Order Key in GOBI, and can be found in the example below:
In Midwest, the Vendor Reference Number is known as the InterACQ Order ID, and can be found in the example below:
You may also search by ISBN (or even title and other bibliographic information), but please note that items might be ordered more than once for multiple campuses and this method does not necessarily take you to the exact POL for that item.
Searching for Multiple Purchase Order Lines (POL) by Campus
Searching for Multiple Purchase Order Lines (POL) by Invoice
This method allows you to search for all items that were invoiced and shipped together, regardless of how they were automatically packaged in a PO by Alma.
Assigning and Releasing Purchase Order Lines
This feature is part of the automatic workflow functions in Alma and should not be used. Tracking of orders should be done at the invoice level, campus level, or individual item level.
Only items that are In Review status can be assigned to a person. Attempting to edit a Purchase Order Line that is in this status will automatically assign it to you, as Alma is expecting for you to do something to fix the error. Avoid clicking on Review (PO line) from the menu or avoid clicking Edit on Purchase Line Orders that are in the In Review status to prevent orders from inadvertently being assigned to you.
To manually release an order that is assigned to you, simply click the Assigned to Me tab, then click on the ellipsis, and select Release assignment, as seen below.
Again, it is not normal for Purchase Order Lines to have the In Review status, as our workflow is not designed this way. This status most certainly means something is missing or incorrect and you should contact for assistance.