Printing Loan Receipts
Before continuing, you must configure Alma to always show your current location, otherwise, the loaning library will not display when the receipt is printed! You should also take this time to enable Quick Printing in Alma!
- Now that you have added a Loan Receipt Button to your Bookmarks Tool Bar, login to Alma to test it out.
- Once in Alma, go to Fulfillment and click on Manage Patron Services and lookup a patron record.
- Once you have the patron record pulled up, check out an item (or, if this patron already has items checked out, change the Loan Filter to All Loans).
- Now, click on the Print Alma Receipt button that you added to your Bookmarks Toolbar.
- A Print Dialog window will appear which you will need to configure (only needed the first time) as follows:
Mozilla Firefox Settings:
- A. Destination - Make sure to select the correct Dymo Printer that you have installed on your computer. This name might vary and look different on your computer than the one on the screenshot.
- B. Paper Size - Make sure to select Continuous, Wide in from the list. If you are not able to modify this field, you might have incorrect parameters set in your margins which you will need to clear in order to proceed.
- C. Scale - Keep this at Fit to page width. However, if the receipt is not printing correctly or you'd like to adjust the dimensions, use the scale here to gradually adjust the scale size and position.
- D. Margins - Make sure this is set to Minimum.
- E. Options - Uncheck Print headers and footers and also uncheck Print backgrounds.
- F. Print - Click on Print when you are done configuring these settings to print the receipt.
Google Chrome Settings
- A. Destination - Make sure to select the correct Dymo Printer that you have installed on your computer. This name might vary and look different on your computer than the one on the screenshot.
- B. Paper Size - Make sure to select Continuous, Wide in from the list. If you are not able to modify this field, you might have incorrect parameters set in your margins which you will need to clear in order to proceed.
- C. Margins - Make sure this is set to Minimum.
- D. Scale - Keep this at Default. However, if it is not printing correctly or you'd like to adjust the dimensions, use the scale here to gradually adjust the size and position.
- E. Options - Uncheck Headers and footers and also uncheck Background graphics.
- F. Print - Click on Print when you are done configuring these settings to print the receipt.
Currently, there is a known glitch where the institution logo does not display when printing a receipt in Google Chrome.