Autism in America (2015)
Autistic behaviors such as difficulty communicating, outbursts, etc. are examined in the film, as are the financial and emotional effects on parents. The film looks at young years, discipline, transition into high school and college, employment possibilities, and marriage for people with autism. (1hr 27mins)
Spectrum: A story of the Mind (2016)
Take a journey into the rich sensory experience of autism. Imagine a world where words taste and thoughts feel, where sounds swell with color and leaves on trees change tones visible to the naked eye, and where eye contact with another can cause physical pain. (24mins)
Living with Autism (2014)
Imagine being able to list every country in the world and its capital city, remember what we ate for dinner on 9 March 2002 and every prime number up to 7,507. In this highly personal and emotional film, Horizon discovers how brains that see the world in strikingly different ways are unlocking the secrets of our own minds. (51mins)