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North Campus Sustainability Subcommittee -- About Us: Student Showcase of PBL Projects on Plastic Pollution Solutions

The Sustainability Subcommittee exists within the larger Changemaker Committee at North Campus helping to build a Changemaking community through awareness of Earth Literacy, environmental sustainability, and resiliency initiatives.

April 22, 2021: Student Showcase of PBL Projects on Plastic Pollution Solutions

Students will explore the global plastic pollution problem in their GSELS-related psychology course. In small PBL groups they will research the plastic problem and generated viable solutions. They will apply social psychology methods to reach other students and members of the community to engage them in mitigating the plastic pollution problem.   

Time: 11:20 am – 12:30 pm


Contact: Ginny Peterson-Tennant

Additional Resources

Plastic Ocean

United Nations - Plastic - both a wonderful invention and a scourge on our planet. Over 300 million tons will be produced this year. Most is never recycled and remains on our land and in our seas for ever. Our story shows the damage to all creatures who depend on the ocean for their food – from birds… to us. 21st Century: Episode #126​ This is an adaptation from the original documentary “A Plastic Ocean” by the Plastic Oceans Foundation.

Session Recording

with Professor Ginny Peterson-Tennant

and her students
