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North Campus Sustainability Subcommittee -- About Us: Invest in Our Earth: Poetry Challenge

The Sustainability Subcommittee exists within the larger Changemaker Committee at North Campus helping to build a Changemaking community through awareness of Earth Literacy, environmental sustainability, and resiliency initiatives.

Friday, April 22, 2022: “Invest in Our Earth” Poetry Challenge
MDC Professors Brooke Bovee and Carmen Mise, Co-Chairs of MDC Poetry Month, along with other campus faculty, will read selections of Earth inspired poetry. We encourage you to read from your favorite Earth inspired poem and share it with us using the online submission form.

  • Oscar Fuentes, local Miami poet, reads three original poems: “This Hour on the Bay”, “These Past Days We’ve Seen”, and “Rainbows in the Splashing”  
  • Prof. Carmen Mise reads two poems: “The Tree Agreement” by Elise Paschen and “Farmers Market” by Claudia Castro Luna
  • Prof. Brooke Bovee’s reads “Manifesto: the Mad Farmer Liberation Front” by Wendell Berry and “ Being Human” by Naima Penniman

Time: Ongoing (April 18-22, 2022)

Location: Virtual

Contact: Prof. Carmen Mise, North Campus Poetry Month Committee Co-Chair