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Fall 2020 Virtual GSELS Projects Showcase

Zoe Gil Project

Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies, Earth Ethics Institute

Project Title and Description

"From the Women, To the Women"                                                                                                        Goal 5


Course: ART1203C-3D Design

Instructor: Yomarie Silva-O'Neal


Women still experience struggles from gender inequality, from a lack of resources and proper assistance to overcome the barriers that have been held up by the social expectations structured for men. This paper collage booklet showcases not only a visual concept of those struggles which can be considered perceptually hidden at first glance, but also has a glaring showing of women empowerment and their strength to rise above the challenges.


Zoe Gil Project, Image 1

Zoe Gil Project, Image 2

Zoe Gil Project, Image 3

Zoe Gil Project, Image 4

Zoe Gil Project, Image 5