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The Role of the Tutor

- What are the various roles of the tutor?
- What are the responsibilities of tutors?
- What are the responsibilities of teachers?
- What roles should you not take on as a tutor?
- When you are in the role of one-on-one facilitator of knowledge, how can you personalize the material/knowledge for the tutee?
- When you are in the role of a small group facilitator, how can you encourage tutee interaction and the exchange of ideas?
- What can you do during a tutoring session that will promote independent learning?
- How can you help students develop good time management skills?
- How will you encourage students to attend class? What will you say?
- Is it a good idea to ask tutees if you can see the notes they take in class? Explain your answer.
- What are some things you can do to encourage active learning?
- How can you encourage active reading?
Learning Theory

- What is a schema?
- Why is it important to understand what a schema is in the context of tutoring/teaching?
- What is Bloom’s Taxonomy? What are the different levels?
- How can understanding the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy help you as a tutor?
- What are some examples of verbal and physical positive reinforcement?
- Used correctly, what can positive reinforcement achieve?
- Can positive reinforcement be overused? Explain your answer.
- Think about the information presented in the workshop regarding Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. How might knowing about multiple intelligences affect your interaction with tutees?
Tutee Study Skills

- What are some common problem areas or warning signs you may encounter when working with students on their note-taking (reading, test preparation, test-taking) skills?
- What strategies and interventions can you use to help students improve their note-taking (reading, test preparation, test-taking) skills?
- What does TSD stand for and how can you use TSD to improve note-taking (reading) skills?
- What are 3-5 specific questions you can ask a student to help determine whether she needs to improve her test preparation skills, test-taking skills, or both?
Critical Thinking Skills

- What are the primary goals of a tutor?
- How did your list of primary goals compare with the goals mentioned in the workshop?
- What is the primary goal of a tutor?
- How can tutors teach critical thinking skills?
- What is critical thinking?
- What are the three components of critical thinking?
- What is metacognition?
- How would you explain/describe metacognition to a tutee?
- How can students use metacognitive skills to help them learn?
- What are some metacognitive strategies you can teach students?
- How will you teach metacognitive strategies to students?