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Humanities Edge Undergraduate Research Symposium | Summer 2020



The structure of creating four variations of colors through the primary emotions: Happiness (yellow), Anger (red), Sadness (blue), and Peace (white) is to maneuver the concept of these four emotional stimulations into poetry. The process for using the literary device: free verse involves imagery, metaphors, allusions, onomatopoeias, and similes. The formation of each piece: I (Happiness), II (Anger), III (Sadness), and IV (Peace) creates separate movements to transpire the essential disposition and visualization for the mind. The properties of mental health are very crucial for utilizing music to reassure the frequencies of the brain to construct a pivotal point in the rhythm and tempo—engaging the perception to fluctuate into different musical genres. The reflection statement constitutes the different stages in the progression of the project to formulate a poetic scheme.

Key Words: Emotions, Visualization, Music, Poetry, Colors

Research Paper

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A Spectrum of Emotion, Color, and Sound through Poetic Reflections

About the Poems
Narrated Original Poems
Live Presentation Recording