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Fall 2021 Virtual GSELS Projects Showcase

Global Sustainability & Earth Literacy Studies related student projects

Eva Franco, Estefania Reyes, Fina Marzoa & Anthony Sanders Project

Global Sustainability and Earth Literacy Studies, Earth Ethics Institute

Project Title and Description

"Female workforce and COVID-19"                                                                                  UN Sustainable Development Goals #5

Course:     MAN 3240 - Organizational Behavior

Instructor:  Rahnuma Ahsan                


In this presentation we illustrate the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the female workforce in the U.S. and several negative effects that are being experienced by those same workers. We discuss the heightened inequalities, both at home and at work, for working women. Using statistical research gathered from several different sources, we support the fact that there is a significant disparity within the workforce coming from female employees. With information, we list a collection of solutions that can help change these issues.



Eva Franco and Group Project, PP Slide 1


Eva Franco and Group Project, PP Slide 2


Eva Franco and Group Project, PP Slide 3


Eva Franco and Group Project, PP Slide 4


Eva Franco and Group Project, PP Slide 5


Eva Franco and Group Project, PP Slide 6


Eva Franco and Group Project, PP Slide 7