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2022 Student Interdisciplinary Symposium at Hialeah Campus

Volcanic Eruptions & Climate Change by Dawn LeBlanc, Stephanie Giealt, & Morgan Ware


Many factors contribute to climate change. While humans are the most significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, volcanoes play a role in cooling and warming the planet, resulting in climate change. Science shows that the long and short-term effects of volcanic eruptions depend on the volcano’s magnitude and location. Volcanic eruptions emit sulfur acid and dust particles into the atmosphere, which causes the planet to cool by reflecting solar radiation. Volcanic eruptions and activities also release water vapor and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere causing the Earth to warm. Today, CO2 outgassed to the atmosphere and oceans from volcanoes and other magmatic regions is roughly 280 and 360 million tons per year. In fact, “The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) program experts estimate that about 400 of the 1500 volcanoes active since the last Ice Age 11,700 years ago are venting CO2 today “(terrycollinsTC, 2019).


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