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Resources for Excellence Across the Curriculum


Darcy Oviedo is a Miami Dade College first-year student. She intends to continue her  studies to earn a bachelor's degree in psychology after earning an Associates of Arts in  psychology. One of her interests is reading Japanese literature. Her goal is to work as a  professional psychologist so she can help and treat others who are suffering from mental illness.

Abstract: Depression is a common mental illness in young patients, particularly during the  transition from childhood to adulthood. It affects sleep, focus, appetite, and weight. Therapists  prescribe antidepressants to manage severe depression, but antidepressants can also increase the  risk of self-harming. Psychologists should inform patients on the potential negative effects and  long-term risk. Adequate access to antidepressants can reduce symptoms and improve health.  This contributes to Goal 3 of The Sustainable Development Goals, which is to ensure health and  well-being for all.