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TutorTIPs Symposium: Providing Effective Feedback: Getting Students to Listen

Providing Effective Feedback: Getting Students to Listen

Session Overview


Providing Effective Feedback: Getting Students to Listen  
Ismael Santos, Tutor, Padron Campus 

How can we best steer a tutoring session so students can both improve in the short-term and apply those lessons in the long-term? Students can be hesitant to accept feedback on what they have worked many hours on, so it's important for tutors to provide feedback in a positive way. An effective combination of strategies, from "Compliment, Criticize, and Compliment" to Active Listening, can help students listen and be open to productive feedback. This workshop will focus on how to give good comprehensive editing and structural help for students, along with the empathetic skills tutors will find necessary to have students be open to feedback and constructive criticism.


  • Demonstrate how to provide feedback using a combination of strategies
  • Understand how to express feedback so that is focused and goal oriented


Session Recording
